How is inflation affecting your client? Is a reduction in support appropriate? Or should there be an increase in support? A picture is worth a thousand words and I've found a terrific way to show the Court the effect that the economy is having on a client.
Example: My client receives $250/month in spousal support under a 2003 Judgment of Divorce. The Judgment says that her spousal support is modifiable, and that it terminates upon her death or remarriage, but survives the death of
the payor. Three weeks after the payor dies, a motion is filed by the estate (i.e., the greedy kids) to
terminate Mom's support. A Consumer Price Index Calculator shows that it would take $293.06 in 2009 dollars to be equal the $250/month payment.
This calculator is found on the website of the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The
CPI inflation calculator uses the average Consumer Price Index for a
given calendar year. This data represents changes in prices of all
goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households. This
index value has been calculated every year since 1913. For the current
year, the latest monthly index value is used.