CBS featured a moving story recently about an 8-year-old boy named Myles Eckert who lives with his mother and family near Toledo, Ohio. Myles' father, Army Sgt. Andy Eckert, was a soldier who was killed in Iraq when Miles was just five weeks old. Myles is a Gold Star kid whose family that pays it forward, a lesson Myles made clear to Lt. Col. Frank Dailey who serves at an Ohio Air National Guard base located near Toledo.
CBS broadcast interviews with Dailey, Myles and his mom on February 28, 2014. I don't want to spoil the story. You can watch this 3-minute On the Road segment below. Frank Dailey says Myles gave him more than a gift. "A lifetime direction, for sure," Dailey says. I think you will agree.
As family lawyers, we are in a position to pay it forward as well. The question is, will we?
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