Domestic abuse is an issue that family lawyers should discuss with clients frequently. This conversation is part of my intake procedure and continues during representation. In fact, the first advice I give someone who is making an appointment by telephone is this: "Set up a new email address that is to be used exclusively for your attorney / client communications. Do not save the password so that this account may be accessed by your spouse or anyone else in your household. Use a unique password and do not leave it around where it can be found. Be very, very careful to erase your history each time you do research on the computer. Password protect your computer and your smart phone." Other advice includes giving this material to clients. Safe Internet use | For those divorcing
There are many posts about domestic abuse on my blog Updates in Family Law. I began blogging in 2006, and as I began to prepare this new update, I noted that a lot of progress as been made in how we address domestic abuse and domestic violence now, more than ten years since I've been writing about it.
Two early posts on this blog help clients understand dangers that may arise early on:
How protective is an order of protection? The short answer is: It depends. [Paula Aylward contributed heavily to this post.] See also
Domestic violence & Address confidentiality programs
The Power and Control Wheels. These are very effective tools to get the conversation going. Note that there is not just one Power and Control Wheel. Some of the models deal with specific populations. The Power and Control Model was developed by The Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, home of "The Duluth Model"--the first Power and Control Wheel. Over time, these Power and Control Wheels have been adapted to marriages and partnerships for folks in the military and in specific cultures. Recently developed wheels seek to educate clients and partners about using children as part of the power and control manipulation. A counter-part to that is a Wheel showing how to nurture children who are exposed to unhealthy relationships. See the Gallery of available Wheels at this link.
At that same webpage, you will see that the "Power and Control Wheels" are available in fifteen languages other than English. Recently, on another website, I found a Power and Control Wheel new to me when I was researching the issue of domestic abuse in Muslim families. You can see that here:
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