An article in the New York Times yesterday gives new meaning to the phrase "Don't Try this at Home!" Several lawyers and marriage counselors around the country are quoted, among them Richard Roane, a Michigan family law attorney with Warner, Norcross and Judd in Grand Rapids; Randall Kessler of Kessler & Schwartz, P.C. in Atlanta, Georgia and chairman elect of the Section of Family Law of the American Bar Association; Ken Altshuler, Portland, Me. and president-elect of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers; and Susan Bender, of the New York firm Bender, Rosenthal, Isaacs & Richter. What not to do? No hanky panky in the marital bed!
Having sex with your paramour raises the emotional stakes, makes divorces more acrimonious, and can result in a disparate property settlement. In some states, Georgia, for example according to Kessler, a cheating spouse cannot get alimony.
Whether you're a family lawyer or a layperson, you'll be sure to find something in this interesting article. You can read it here. A one-time registration may be required.
Wadler, Joyce, Don’t Try This at Home: Adultery in the Marital Bed, New York Times, Jan. 12, 2011 [Last accessed on Jan. 13, 2011]
See an earlier post on this blog here: Marital infidelity | The fallout after a spouse has an extra-marital affair
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