Professor Daniel Pollack, a professor at Yeshiva University’s School of Social Work in New York City is a frequent contributor to this blog. Professor Pollack is also a lawyer. Today he has sent along a link to an article in a journal published online this date: "Text Taunting to Suicide: The Role of Child Protective Services" discusses the role that Child Protective Services workers should play in today's complex world where texting seems to be the most favored means of communicating.
Many complex social and legal issues were involved in a recent case heard by the court in Taunton, Massachusetts-- State v Michelle Carter. In that case, Conrad Roy was encouraged to commit suicide via text messages and phone by his teenage girlfriend, Michelle Carter. After Conrad died of asphyxiation (inhalation of carbon monoxide from his truck), Michelle Carter was charged and convicted of involuntary manslaughter of Conrad Roy III.
Although Ms. Carter was ordered to begin serving her sentence immediately, her lawyers are appealing her case to the U.S. Supreme Court.
On appeal, Carter has raised many issues, both procedural and constitutional. Professor Pollack raises many policy considerations in his article including what the role of CPS workers might be in identifying and addressing the many concerns about today's trending high rates of teen suicide. As he points out in his article, there are many stakeholders in cases like Conrad's. Many agencies will interact with schools and communities in an effort to identify risks of teen suicide in a local community with the goal of prevention. All must work together to identify those as risk and to formulate prevention strategies including academics, health and mental health practitioners, and policy planners. Local public human services agencies and CPS must also be part of the solution.
I found this article timely. In Kalkaska County--about 25 miles from my office--the community has experienced four recent teen suicides. I am hopeful that Professor Pollack's suggestions can be helpful to those working together to identify and resolve these issues in that small local community.
To read the entire article, see: Daniel. Pollack., MSW, Esq. (2019). Text Taunting to Suicide: The Role of Child Protective Services. Policy & Practice, Aug(2019), at pp 28 & 35. Retrieved August 8, 2019, from Permalink
NOTE: Policy and Practice is published by The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is a nonprofit organization made up of multiple programs made to assist families improve their lives. Founded in 1930, the APHSA is headquartered in Washington, D.C.