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Jeanne M. Hannah

There are facts that may make a difference in how your situation turns out. You may call to schedule a telephone consultation.


i am married and having a baby. I was with someone else for a short time. now the other guys wants me to take a test to see if the baby is his. My husband said no he is the father. i live in michigan. please tell me what is true.


Wow, I am so happy to hear this has finally changed. My boyfriend filed in court last year to try and establish paternity for his four children, but the case was thrown out due to the Paternity Act. I have faith that he may be able to establish paternity now under this new law.

We contacted you about our case last year and you were the most helpful of anyone we have talked to. Thank you so much for keeping everyone informed. This new law will help a lot of fathers.

Roxy | Attorney in Jenkintown Pa

There are important issues that must not be overlooked to protect the rights of a child. While at a stage when they are not yet capable, the law is there to make sure that they are given the best treatment that they deserve.

Rae Fruth

This is VERY exciting news. Long overdue for many children and bio dads who have been unjustly robbed of a relationship.

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