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Andrew Ko

I am the Left Behind Parent of the twin boys kidnapped to Singapore. Would like to clarify that at the time of the Christopher and William Ko's return, Singapore had not signed the Hague Convention yet. My attorney in Singapore focused on "comity" or recognition of a competent legal system, i.e. US, by Singapore courts. It took us 18 months to get a final ruling. Boys returned in March 2011. The Taking Parent returned to the US May, 2011 and went to court to get visitation. The monitors are unqualified as there is no formal certification to become a visitation monitor. In 2012, Taking Parent was charged with immigration fraud. She dragged the case out for 4 1/2 years. During this time, she passed emails and FB messages to the boys to continue their alienation. On Dec3 2016 the boys assaulted me and got together to convince the police and children's court judge that I have been abusing them since March 2011. The San Marino CA PD officer did not bother to speak with Minors Counsel assigned by the Court or the 3 psychiatrist and psychologists the boys were seeing for 3 years; nor did the Officer read the reports documenting undue influence from the mother. She managed to regain custody and had her immigration fraud deportation cancelled. She remains in the US with an expired Green Card. The battle is not over when you get your children back; it is only the beginning when the Taking Parent is around. Regards, Andrew Ko

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