NBC DATELINE: January 8, 2009: I am sure that many of you saw the Dateline program on the Goldman parental abduction case. I am told that there were 11 million viewers! Here is an excellent summary of the program. http://tinyurl.com/y9bqczp
The segment where Sean calls David "Dad" will make your heart melt! I know that there are legions of folks who were overwhelmed to see David Goldman's determination to recover his son and know he is equally determined to ensure Sean's safety and well-being.
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Video material that was left on the cutting floor when this moving 2-hour program was assembled can be accessed here:
ANOTHER SHOWING: In case you missed it, I am told that the show will be aired again today, Sunday, January 10th at 7 PM EST on TLC
BRING SEAN HOME FOUNDATION: See http://bringseanhome.org for more information on how you may help other left-behind parents (LBPs). There are about 50 cases involving about 65 children still in Brazil There are many other tragic cases involving children abducted and and held in other countries. See http://bringseanhome.org to see how you can help! It is particularly important that you write, call, camp out on the lawn of your representatives in Congress. [Note: The best currency might be in your time and energy helping the foundation and/or contacting your representatives.
GOLDMAN ARCHIVES: The complete archives (so far) on the Goldman discussion on this Blog can be accessed below:
David Goldman says he will allow grandparent visitation at some point in time: [April 2010]
Sean and David Goldman | Home at last in New Jersey http://tinyurl.com/yllc492 01/03/2010
Beautiful, beautiful boy | BSH to continue helping left-behind parents http://tinyurl.com/y9zep7w 12/27/2009
CBS vs NBC and the New York Times on the Goldman case http://tinyurl.com/ybh7u62 12/25/2009
NBC coverage of Sean Goldman return to his father, David Goldman http://tinyurl.com/y8jn3b9 12/24/2009
Goldman case | Brazilian family says it will not file more appeals http://tinyurl.com/yjb7x4w 12/23/2009
Lins e Silva lectures on parental alienation "syndrome" http://tinyurl.com/yjb7x4w 12/23/2009
Brazil S. Ct. judge rules in David Goldman's favor http://tinyurl.com/y9vsphr 12/22/2009
News Flash | Brazil top court to rule today! http://tinyurl.com/y9gthgq 12/21/2009
Sean Goldman kidnapping | Let's "Thinklogically" http://tinyurl.com/ygguuto 12/18/2009
Goldman case | Another terrible setback http://tinyurl.com/ygm3oxg 12/17/2009
Brazzil report | Sean Goldman's grandmother files petition http://tinyurl.com/yc32sy3 12/16/2009
Good news for David Goldman | Kudos to Patricia Apy http://tinyurl.com/yeorezg 12/16/2009
Update on Sean Goldman case | Decision expected tomorrow http://tinyurl.com/y8jhrfr 12/15/2009
David Goldman, other Left-behind Parents Testify in Congress http://tinyurl.com/ygqohf3 12/14/2009
Text of David Goldman's testimony http://tinyurl.com/ykjkyra 12/05/2009
David Goldman - Testimony and television appearances http://tinyurl.com/ybmfo5o 12/01/2009
David Goldman and Left Behind Parents to Testify http://tinyurl.com/yeuzuw9 11/24/2009
David & Sean Goldman | A father left behind http://tinyurl.com/ylzkx5b 11/16/2009
Clarification of ruling about Sean Goldman's testimony http://tinyurl.com/lozkag 08/03/2009
Sean Goldman can not testify in Brazil about his preference http://tinyurl.com/ya7ypfb 07/31/2009
David and Sean Goldman - CBS coverage http://tinyurl.com/nkg8es 06/30/2009
David Goldman | Back to square one? http://tinyurl.com/yhtsrqs 06/27/2009 [NOTE: Information about pending legislation and how to contact your state representatives and make a different for ALL left behind parents]
June 2009 Update on David and Sean Goldman http://tinyurl.com/lsfa8k 06/25/2009
Several new reports about David & Sean Goldman http://tinyurl.com/m2zlut [NOTE: Read Brazilian Judge Pinto's Order for Return of Sean here] 06/22/2009
The Sean Goldman case takes a turn for the worse http://tinyurl.com/nartnq 06/18/2009
Hague Convention | Does it work for the left-behind parent? http://tinyurl.com/ndnthy 09/24/2008
Also of interest:
Parental Kidnapping Risk Factors Part I http://tinyurl.com/y93trbm 07/29/2008
Parental Kidnapping Risk Factors Part II http://tinyurl.com/y8js7rc 07/31/2008