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« Lins e Silva lectures on parental alienation "syndrome" | Main | NBC coverage of Sean Goldman return to his father, David Goldman »


Terrayne Crawford

Thank you so much for your quick response, Jeanne. I will do the follow up. Blessings for all that you are and do.


Jeanne M Hannah

The psychologists who interviewed Sean Goldman in Brazil may have been named in one of the two decisions of Judge Pinto that were published in June 2009. You will find translations of those here -- links near bottom of the article.

Terrayne Crawford

Thank you for your blog. Do you, or anyone reading or contributing to this blog know who the expert was on Parental Alienation on the Sean/David Goldman case? I have a friend who is in need of an expert in this area ASAP to help him with custody of his daughter who has been kept from him over several years through kidnapping and deliberate systematic alienation.

Thank you for your help.


Jeanne M Hannah

Ah Ann, et al

You give me far too much credit. I was only a cheerleader on this kidnapping case. I am awed by the remarkable talent, persistence and courage of David Goldman's lawyers, Patricia Apy of Red Bank, New Jersey and Ricardo Zamariola Junior in Brazil. I imagine that now that "wheels are up" they will be ready to sit back and relax for a while.

What gives me hope and gladdens my heart is to know, first of all, that David and Sean Goldman have been reunited finally after a five-year struggle. It also gives me hope and gladdens my heart to know that the Bring Sean Home Foundation will continue to work around the globe to reunite other kidnapped children with their left behind parents. Robert D'Amico made that mission very clear on their website today.

Ann Sullivan et al

Our dearest Jeanne!! Again, your passion for justice, for knowing what is 'right', and your incredible persistence has culminated in glad hearts for so many, and put hope in the hearts of so many others praying their injustices will be put right; that they too will be reunited with loved one's as were the Goldman's. Keep building Jeanne - your convictions are the hope for so many....... and boy do we love you for that!!

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all......." Emily Dickinson

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