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Jeanne M. Hannah

I don't think that you read the post very carefully. It begins with this statement:

"Depositions are certainly not required in every case or even most cases or even 70% of cases… however as to the remainder they are absolutely critical, mandated, and – arguably – the standard of practice requires them."

Mr. Harrington is primarily talking about the case that involves high assets and one spouse who is generally lacking in knowledge about the assets and liabilities--or cases where business evaluations are needed. Sometimes custody cases require depositions of experts so that an attorney may adequately prepare for trial.

Kevin Mackey

So, you advocate bushwacking people with evidence or information you already have, making the lawyer's income the most important aspect of "case selection," client funded trial practice for the attorney, and the focus is on trial prep, not a mutually fair negotiated settlement. Everything you are doing decreases the likleyhood of settlement and increases the personal stress and hurt on already suffering people.
Yes, depositions are necessary sometimes, but should not be touted in this fashion.
Perhaps instead of divorce seminars, the push should be a little heavier towards ethical standards.

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