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Jeanne M. Hannah

Marie, your question involves a complicated area of the law with which I have great familiarity. In fact, I not only write about it, but I teach it to other lawyers and judges. I would be happy to schedule a telephone conference / consultation with you. Please call my office. Jeanne M Hannah

Marie Pinto

My son has been living with me in Michigan for almost 6 mos and going to school. Can my exhusband keep him even if I dont have custody? He let him live here and go to school to see if he would do better here than in Az but now hes trying to keep him in Az because he changed his mind? The judge in AZ still have jurisdiction or can I file here. My 14 year old wants to stay here and wasnt doing well in Az thats why my ex sent him here.Hes been here since Dec 25, 2009 and I was told by lawyers that I have custodial jurisdiction becuase as of June 25 it will be 6 mos? I need to know if I need to file an emergency pedition so my ex wont keep him?


The county court system gets around the ECE by making it look on paper as though the parenting time will not be changed by the judges decision to grant the move. Had a lot of information that showed it would not be in the kids best interest to allow the move, but judge would not hear any of it.

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