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Jeanne M Hannah

Hello Yvette,

Unless your husband's custody / parenting time judgment or order has a "parental preference" provision stating that if a parent cannot care for the child or children during his/her normal parenting time he/she must give first preference to the other parent, then the mother cannot insist that the children be in her care if your husband is out of town on business.

I suggest that you write a letter to the Friend of the Court to document your complaints. Likely nothing will happen, but at least you will establish a record that these negative behaviors are occurring.

Yvette Hunter

My husband has had to take temporary work in Texas. He is there during the week and is home for the weekends. He has the standard 16th district visitation. We are trying to work his work around his summer parenting time. But sometimes is delayed by a day or two. His ex wife showed up on my porch demanding the kids back because he was not yet home. There is no order in there settlement giving her the right to do that. She has been a constant problem since we married 2 yrs ago. The children are 7 and 3. She is always putting them in the middle asking them questions about us and bad mouthing my husband and I. We have an order that states no derogitory remarks but she continues to do it. Do you have any suggestions.

a stressed step mom:(

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