Practicing in the area of family law, Jeanne M. Hannah has maintained her own solo practice since 1987. Her practice is primarily concentrated in the areas of parental kidnapping (intrastate, interstate, and international), child abduction prevention, divorce, relocation, child custody, support, cohabitation, and parentage issues, primarily in Michigan, although the Internet brings clients from around the country and abroad. In addition, as a consultant on jurisdictional and abduction matters, she has assisted lawyers in many states with jurisdictional issues and with recovery of wrongfully taken and wrongfully retained children. Ms. Hannah maintains a family law blog, "Updates in Family Law." A member of the Family Law and Appellate Law Sections of the State Bar of Michigan and the Family Law and Domestic Violence Sections of the American Bar Association, she speaks often at conference for the Family Law Sections, domestic violence attorneys, the State Bar of Michigan's Young Lawyers Sections, and other conferences. Ms. Hannah writes annual updates for chapters in the following publications: Michigan Family Law. Ch. 22, Guardians, Emancipation, Abortion, and Name Change (Hon. Marilyn J. Kelly et al eds, (ICLE 7th ed) See also Basic Practice, ICLE 4th ed) Ch. 2. Divorce Cases (ICLE 6th ed) Advising the Older Client or Client with a Disability, Ch. 15 Family Law Issues in an Elder Law Practice (Lauretta K. Murphy and Alison E. Hirschel eds, ICLE 5th ed) Ms. Hannah contributes to publications for the State Bar of Michigan, the American Bar Association, and contributes regularly to the sections' Internet discussion groups.